Daily routine
I guess I am struggling for something interesting to write, so on the basis that the ordinary is at times as interesting as the extraordinary here is my daily routine here in Cuzco at the present. However today was slightly different because it was Nelly's (classroom assitant) birthday and we sang to her and showered her in coloured confetti. The children loved it.
7.00 rise shower etc. We still don't have a shower tap and resort to pliers to regulate the hot water - not surprisingly I will look forward to not going outside to the bathroom and kitchen – it is a tad inconvenient in the rainy season!
7.30 Sonia our cook and cleaner arrives and brings bread roll which we then butter and fill times 35, either jam, cheese or luncheon meat. We also prepare fruit and drinks, usually something with milk and some vitamin rich grain.
8.30 We take a taxi to Huancaro choosing the small cheap taxi and negotiating a price of 3 soles or less.
9.00 We arrive at the school usually to be greeted merrily by several children – we open the school room and sweep it out.
9.15 we wash hands and faces of the children, get them seated, distribute food and drinks say prayers and have breakfast.
9.45 we clean teeth
10.00 begin classes
11.45 after classes we wash hands again, distribute fruit and dismiss class
12.15 take a taxi back to the town.
This routine doesn't change much until Friday when we go to the stream to wash hair and treat for nits!
1.00, Sonia prepares lunch for us and we write up logs of the day.
2.00 In the afternoon I usually go to South America Explorers and check emails, research journeys, update my blog and photos and call my family and friends.
5.00, Usually I don't have dinner but head off for a cake and coffee but from Monday I will do 2 hours more of language classes each evening to keep topped up for the last 2 weeks of my trip
8.00 2 nights a week we have a pub quiz but on other evenings I might go for a drink have a glass of wine in the house and watch old Friends DVDs from the 2nd and 3rd series. Nex week I hope to get to some local music venues.
10.30 or 11, to bed.